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Category: Faith In The City

Speak Human – Sharing the Gospel With Your Friends | FITC58

The number one problem when sharing our faith in Jesus with friends is the words we use. Most well-intended presentations of the Gospel are laden in “churchy” words no one understands. The net effect of it all, we sound weird. In fact, we probably feel weird when we say it. That’s why it is vital for Christians to learn how to speak “human.”
In this final message of the series “Ambassador: Carrying the Gospel” Pastor Jonathan teaches a basic way to share your faith with your friends. Getting the words right is not important. In fact, using the wrong words can be frustrating for both you and the person you want to share your story. What you need is a framework to think about the story instead of the right words.

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Healthy Ways of Thinking | FITC55

Most challenges we face each day occur in our minds. Life certainly presents its fair share of developments requiring us to think about “what to do.” But if our mind is a mess, then how we react will be affected to the degree of our mental health. That’s why Paul’s statement in Romans 12 is so important. After writing seven chapters on the role of faith and forgiveness under God, he shocks us with the following words: “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (Romans 12:2). What is the Apostle Paul teaching us? In this episode, Dr. Jonathan G. Smith explains that as Christians the encouragement here is a call to actively work to improve the way we think about God, ourselves, and others.

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What Do Anglicans Believe About Election? | FITC54

Predestination and election are challenging doctrines for most believers. But when they are approached through the lens of scripture, they can lead to deeper truths about God’s passion for humanity. Unfortunately, there are a lot of opinions about Election, even among Anglicans. So what do Classic Anglicans actually believe about the doctrine of Election? To answer this question, Pastor Jonathan examines Romans 8:28-30 and Article 17 of the 39 Articles of Religion.

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Adopted Into God’s Family | FITC53

Throughout the New Testament writings of the Apostle Paul, you can find Paul referring to the relationship between us and God through the image of adoption. That is, God intentionally choosing us to be a part of His family. That means that all of the rights and privileges of God’s house are “conferred” to us, including the right to call him our Abba Daddy. Find out why this doctrine is vital to understanding our freedom in God.

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What Does It Mean To Be Adopted by God? | FITC52

God chose us to be in His family. Does the Bible really teach us? We explore this question in more in this message from Romans Chapter 8. Throughout the New Testament writings of the Apostle Paul, you can find Paul referring to the relationship between us and God through the image of adoption. That is, God intentionally choosing us to be a part of His family. That means that all of the rights and privileges of God’s house are “conferred” to us, including the right to call him our Abba Daddy. Find out why this doctrine is vital to understanding our freedom in God.

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What Is The Purpose of The Church? | FITC49

What is the purpose of the church? So often answers to this question are based on doctrinal or traditional bias rather than on the words of Jesus. But there is no ambiguity as to the answer. Jesus is clear. The church is to “go” and “make” disciples. That is the mission. Nothing more and nothing less. Surprisingly, however, the Gospels do not use the same words to describe the purpose. So is it possible to harmonize all four Gospels to discover a deeper agenda for the church?

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