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Redeemer Experiences Renewed Mission
Redeemer experiences renewed mission at the 2018 annual meeting.
Yesterday’s annual meeting was awesome! Words can not describe how thankful I am for the work of God manifesting in the life of Redeemer. As I reflected this morning on the warm smiles, good food, and engaged hearts, I was reminded of Psalm 133:1. “How good and sweet it is when brothers dwell in unity.” The message here is obvious. Unity and fellowship is a delight and a gift from God.
Rev. Dr. Jonathan G. Smith laying out his vision for Redeemer.
Image by Madeline Garrett Photography
Why Redeemer? Simply, to plant biblical Anglicanism in Central Florida. Through our connection with the CANA Diocese, we are participating in a global movement to rescue, recover, and reform biblical Anglicanism. The name of this movement is the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON). For more information on GAFCON, let me encourage you to visit GAFCON.org.
“Redeemer represents the heart and soul of the GAFCON movement in the city of Orlando.”
Our mission. First and foremost, to proclaim the liberating power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Second, to seek and discover ways to manifest God’s love through intentionally bringing justice and mercy to the less fortunate. We are doing this by developing our “Adopt A Family” program to find ways to reach the less fortunate in our community. We also remain committed to developing programs and pathways for recovery from life’s hurts, habits, and hangups. For more information about our recovery ministry. Please visit here.
Our plan for growth. Make disciples of Jesus Christ. There is no shortcut to real and lasting growth. Healthy biblical growth comes from nurturing our souls through feeding on the truth of the Gospel found in God’s word and responding in thoughtful worship that engages the heart as well as the mind. As we grow and mature in God’s love, the fruit of His work in us begins to spread.
Support. Yesterday we heard from our domestic missionary Dawn Loomis who is raising support for her mission to bring God’s word through technology to the nations. Would you prayerfully consider joining Dawn in this campaign? Don’t think you have enough? Well, consider this, for just $10 a month you could make an eternal investment of bringing the Gospel (Good News) to a culture which has yet to hear this good news! To learn how to partner with Dawn, email her by clicking here.
“Redeemer is a mission. Nothing more. Nothing less.”
In sum, Redeemer is a mission church. To borrow a phrase from the late Bishop Chuck Murphy, We are a mission. Nothing more. Nothing less. Let’s get on with God’s work.