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Compassion – Grace Nation’s Core Values Part 1 | GOF 94

LGBT+ people sometimes criticize Evangelicals for lacking compassion for Queer people. To address this issue, Dr. Jonathan explores the interaction of Jesus and a leper to see how Jesus’ was motivated by compassion to cross social boundaries and love a man who was “unclean.”

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by Dr. Jonathan G. Smith | Season 4

This Episode’s Topic: A New Vision For Grace on fire

To better understand why this matters, compassion is the starting place for the Gospel. John 3:16 teaches that God loved the world by sending his son. That is compassion. But along the way, Evangelicals have lost sight of the core of attribute of God’s love preferring the law instead. So how should Evangelicals understand compassion? Dr. Jonathan explores Mark 1:40-45 to see how Jesus modeled compassion.

take aways from todays episode

  • Compassion was the emotional motivation that moved Jesus to act.
  • Jesus action of touching the leper demonstrated the deep compassion he had for this hurting man.
  • Jesus not only healed the leper physically but also spiritually and relationally.
  • Compassion came at a cost to Jesus but that did not prevent Him from healing the leper.
  • Compassion is not “feeling sorry” for someone but expressing love by helping someone in need (John 3:16).
  • Compassion leads to transformation. 

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