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Praying the Gay Away | GOF 89

Praying the Gay Away | GOF 89

Many Gay people have tried to “pray the gay away” only to have their prayers go unanswered. Yet many well-meaning pastors insist that is the answer. So why doesn’t God answer these prayers? Could there be another path to walk that pastors are missing? I address these questions and more on today’s episode.

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Praying the Gay Away | GOF 89

by Dr. Jonathan G. Smith | Season 3

This Episode’s Topic: Praying the Gay Away

To better understand why this issue matters, many young gay Christians can relate to the cliche’ “pray the gay away.” When the prayer goes unanswered, how should pastors respond? Many excellent and well-intentioned pastors have run into individuals whose story goes something like this: I was gay. Then Jesus came into my life and now I”m no longer gay. While this may be the experience for a few, it’s not necessarily normative for all. This error can lead to confusion about God, faith, and healing.

Take Aways From Today’s Episode

  • Distinguish between Miracle and Providence – God’s extraordinary power can lead to mighty miracles in peoples lives. However, insisting on supernatural inventions is not the answer. God also works in the ordinary ways of Providence, using our unique life experiences to shape us into the person He intends for us to be.
  • The Danger of Deliverance – What if God doesn’t take away the “Gay feelings”? Every person’s journey is different and unique. We pastors make a mistake when we assume the experience for a few or even one should be normal for all.
  • Preach the Lordship of Christ – Rather than insisting on deliverance, emphasize the Lordship of Christ over all areas of life, including sexuality, gender orientation, and relationships.

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Faith In the City