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The Best Thing Hurricane Irma Did For My Church and Ministry | GOF65

The Best Thing Hurricane Irma Did For My Church and Ministry | GOF65

Hurricane Irma opened up a huge ministry door for my church. And I walked through it. Natural disasters and devastating storms do something to communities like nothing else in the world. They unite people together who ordinarily struggle to find common ground. This principle played itself in my church and opened incredible discussions. So on this episode I share a positive outcome of the storm. Plus, I continue to discuss the role of transformation in everyday life. And as a special bonus, I’m sharing my BBQ secrets!

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GOF65 | The Best Thing Hurricane Irma Did For My Church and Ministry

by Dr. Jonathan G. Smith | Season 2

This Episode’s Topic: Ministry In The Aftermath of Hurricane Irma

Show Segments

Theology On The Street | Why God Expects Transformation To Occur

Here is a link to Douglas Moo’s Commentary. The Epistle to the Romans (The New International Commentary on the New Testament)
Moo Writes, “The gospel unless God’s power so that people, by embracing it, can be rescued from the disastrous effects of sin, being pronounced ‘righteous’ in God’s sight and having a secure hope for salvation.”

Smitty’s Salt River Smokehouse Tips | Smoked Salmon

What you need

Salmon Fillet – preferably without the skin


1/2 to 1 Gallon of Water

1 part salt to 1 part brown sugar – not white sugar.


Mix that altogether.

How to cook it.

I use a Traeger Pellet Smoker.

I try to set the heat as low as I can. If you are using wood or charcoal, you want to get the temperature low and still have plenty of smoke. Do not use direct heat.

Let it go for about 2 to 3 hours until you get a nice brown texture on the outside.

Feature Presentation | How Irma Transformed My Ministry

So what was the biggest impact? I started making phone calls to figure out how I could solve their problems or meet their needs.

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