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Why Crafting Real Hope Will Change Your Life | GOF45

Why Crafting Real Hope Will Change Your Life | GOF45

What is the difference between hoping and wishing? Crafting real hope in life requires brutal honesty. But let’s face it. We are not honest with ourselves, our friends, or God. Stop wasting your time and your life. Real hope is not based on a wish but brutal honesty. The sooner we learn how to be honest with ourselves, the sooner we can then make progress in this world. In this episode, I continue looking at Dr. Henry Cloud’s work Necessary Endings.

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This Episode’s Topic: Real Hope, Real Change

To better understand why this issue matters, Dr. Henry Cloud posits that false hope or “wishing” only waste’s time. He writes, hope buys time, and it spends it. In today’s day and age, we can’t afford to waste our time or money on false hope. We need to learn the necessary skills to end things that are not working and start something that has the promise to gain positive growth.

Show Segments

Theology On The Street: Covenant Loyalty

Will God make good on his promises? Answering this question is critical to developing real hope. When you understand the goodness of God, you will be better equipped to understand the role of hope in everyday life.

Smitty’s Tip of the Week: Take a Nap

For A-type personalities, finding the time to rest can be challenging. However, if we refuse to nap and continue to grind, eventually we will end up in a hospital bed. Rest is critical to life.

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