Crafting New Year Goals For A Higher Purpose | GOF35
New year goals and resolutions are here. Are you ready? Each year the Health and Wellness industry rakes in billions promising to offer solutions to help you be a better you. Sadly, the statistics show that the majority of folks will fork over large amounts of cash and never see their dreams realized.
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This Episode’s Topic: New Year Goals
To better understand why this topic matters, let’s ask this question. What is the solution? The answer, I have found, rests in reframing our expectations on what it means to reach a goal. In this episode, I share my journey in goal setting and attainment. I don’t like resolutions, but I do like goals. Crafting New Year goals around a higher purpose, I believe, is essential to long-term outcomes.
Show Segments
Theology On The Street – The Theology of Goal Setting
In the Bible, the Apostle Paul places an incredible demand on the Christian. “Whatever,” he says. In this section, we understand the deeper implication of Paul’s statement.
Smitty’s Tip of the Week – Leveraging Technology
Habits are hard to form and difficult to break. But to meet your goals, it will require forming new habits. Today there are all kinds of apps designed to help you keep track of your goals. I discuss two of them
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