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Your Job Does Not Define You – So Who Are You? | GOF71

The most significant mistake you can make in life is to define yourself by your job. But the vast majority of people I meet do precisely that, and it costs them so much happiness. Seem a little overstated? Perhaps, but consider this scenario for just a moment. When someone asks “who are you?” What’s the first thing out of your mouth? For most of us, the answer includes some reference to what “we do.” But I think this is a trap. What happens when the market changes, how will you respond? For some people, they can successfully reinvent themselves, but for others, it is a little more difficult. That’s why it’s important to consider this issue “BEFORE” something affects your work. Also, on GOF71, I ask this question: how do you pray when you don’t know what to do?

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Your Job Does Not Define You - So Who Are You? | GOF71

by Dr. Jonathan G. Smith | Season 2

This Episode’s Topic: Your Job Does Not Define You – So Are You?

Show Segments

Theology On The Street – Prayer In The Midst of Crisis

Prayer and faith go hand in hand. Unfortunately, most people do not have regular prayer habits. That usually changes when a person enters into a period of crisis. All of the sudden, faced with overwhelming odds, a person’s prayer life can be electrified. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. God has always used crisis to get His people’s attention. Sometimes it’s necessary. This principle is best illustrated in 2 Chronicles 20:1–25.

When King Jehoshaphat began to pray, he cried out. “We do not know what to do!” This prayer is completely normal.

Smitty’s Tip of the Week – Mind Gym by Gary Mack

Gary Mack argues, “Your attitude determines your altitude. Whether you think you can or can’t your probably right. The choice is yours.” What is he talking about? In the Psychology of Achievement (or Success), researchers note that the difference maker between two talented people often comes down to mindset rather than raw ability. The winner beats his opponent in his/her mind before they ever set foot on the playing field. So does that apply to other areas as well? Sure it does, argues Gary Mack. I’ve found this book very helpful in thinking through the role of mental awareness in everyday life.

Feature Presentation – Your Job Does Not Define You

You are not the sum of your vocation. However, very often we can’t help but find some of our identity wrapped into “what we do.” The danger comes when our circumstances changes and “what we do” no longer applies to where we are. Whether through a loss of a job or being trapped in a job we do not like, if our identity is linked to our “doing,” then we might find ourselves stuck in life. So how do you get unstuck? You must answer a single question. Who are you?

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Faith In the City